Public Presentations

International Workshops
26-27 September 2000Vienna, Austria
Hosted by Ambassador Jiri Grusa atthe Czech Embassy and Czech CulturalCentre, a press conference,presentations and discussions of StoriesExchange Project methods andpossibilities of adapting the Project inAustria and Southeastern Europe.____________________
11-15 September 2000London, United Kingdom
Hosted by Ambassador Pavel Seifter atthe Czech Embassy and Czech CulturalCentre in London, presentations anddiscussions of the Stories ExchangeProject. These initiated a cooperationwith the London Arts Board, Rememberingfor the Future 2000, the Haringey ArtsCouncil, and other U.K. partners indeveloping both an adaptation of theStories Exchange Project for minorityand refugee communities in England, anda school curriculum for presentationduring the nationwide Refugee Week inJune 2001.____________________
18-19 September 2000Terezin , Czech Republic
Arts of Tolerance: Performances,Workshops, Discussions
[participants from the CzechRepublic, Germany, the United Kingdomand the United States]
1. Presentation and discussion ofstories and strategies developed bythe Stories Exchange Project.
2. A sharing of stories and music bymembers of Jewish and Romanycommunities.
3. A survey of the current situationof refugees and asylum-seekers inEurope.
[See also on this Web-page under”Terezin, September 2000″ in the”Performances” menu:
“Looking our most difficult memories inthe face”
“Jewish and Romany stories and music”
“What do they do? They create “
“Something that happened in Terezin thismorning”
And see under “The Holocaust” in the”Stories and Responses” menu:
“It’s very close to us, the past”
“Does it open up your world for you?
“I’m very lucky to be doing what I’mdoing”]
23 July 2000
London, United Kingdom
Final Session of a Film Season at theInstitute of Contemporary Arts, TheMall sponsored by Remembering for theFuture 2000: An Academic Conferencein Oxford and London.
Presentation by John W. Erwin, ProjectDirector
“Light Out of That Darkness: TheStories Exchange Project”

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