Ana AraujoVenezuela I’m looking for information about the whole Holocaust. I have found and heard some information in the Jewish community "Bejt Simcha”, and in the Terezin Initiative. I have visited Terezin and the Jewish museum about the concentration camp. But I have not found any written information about the Roma Holocaust here in the Czech Republic.
I saw a special edition by Scandinavian countries, where something is said about the Roma Holocaust, and I know there are some books that also say someinformation. But I find it not enough. I think that the problem is that your community, the Romany community, has not organized, for example as the Jewish community has done, and there is not much research and not many studies or analyses of this tragedy. If this is done, I am sure that the Czech people and others will start to see and understand how wrong they have been to all of you. I know that during the Communist time, nobody was allowed to talk about it, and the truth never came out. But now you must work hard to bring out the reality, the truth, and make sure that everybody knows about it. It’s more than your right: it’s your duty. Even if it is painful to know the history, you must reveal it to the public in order to prevent something like this from being repeated. I am very happy about the work of the Stories Exchange Project, and I would like to get more information about it.
Congratulations! [see also in this menu, “The Holocaust,” a reading of the same problem by a member of the Czech Romany community, Eva Bajgerova: “I know you can’t compare Lety with Terezin.”]
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